Now i'm going to describe these all one by one...
CV | Resume Writing
Before an interview you should have your resume / curriculum vitae ready. It’s through this document that the interviewer knows about the candidate. There are two formats commonly followed for making resumes. You spent time in organizing your resume well so that the interviewer will see all what he should. These are also needed to apply online for any job. When applying online for a job you will have to upload your resume. The employer will get 1000s of such resumes. Here a program is used to select the best resumes. This program will search for some keywords in your resume and if a match is found you are in!!! Given below are some of the keywords you should use when making a resume.
1. | Organized |
2. | Developed |
3. | Won |
4. | Triggered |
5. | Initiated |
6. | Led |
7. | Secured |
8. | Bagged… |
Aptitude Test
This part is aimed at testing the problem solving ability and logical reasoning of the candidate. The questions are simple and can be solved by any engineering student. The buzz word here is TIME!!! It’s a bit hard to solve the paper completely. But with practice and knowledge about the question pattern this part can easily be handled. The types of questions that usually appear in this section are:-
1. | Age related questions |
2. | Height related questions |
3. | Weight related questions |
4. | Ratio and Proportion |
5. | Pipes and tanks |
6. | Work |
7. | Probability |
8. | Number series etc |
Books For The Aptitude Part
It’s always a good idea to practice doing aptitude questions even before you know that some company is coming your way. The books listed below are best suited to prepare for the aptitude
1. | Quantitative Aptitude by R S Agarwal |
2. | Puzzles To Puzzle You by Shakunthala Devi |
3. | More Puzzles To Puzzle You by Shakunthala Devi |
4. | Brain Teasers by George Summers |
English Test
In the present day of globalization each employee may be needed to communicate with a client on the other side of the globe. Here English is the common global language. So it is very important to have enough knowledge in it. This part of the test aim at testing the vocabulary and comprehension skills of the candidate. The type of questions that usually show up are:-
1. | Comprehension passage |
2. | Fill in the blanks |
3. | Jumbled sentences |
4. | Spelling correction |
5. | Antonyms |
6. | Synonyms etc |
Books For The English Part
Reading the English daily or listening to the English news is more than enough for this section. For those of you who are not that confident I suggest noting down the unfamiliar words from the editorials and keeping a book for these words and their meanings. This will be worthy of trying!!!
This will be worthy of trying!!! You can also follow these books.
Objective English by Agarwal
Comprehensive English Wren & Martin
Technical Test
This part of the test is aimed at testing the knowledge domain of the candidate. Not many companies have this section. This part needs no separate preparation provided you know what you are being taught at the college. The questions in this section are mainly from:-
1. | C |
2. | C++ |
3. | DBMS |
4. | OS |
5. | Software Engineering |
6. | Computer Networks |
7. | Digital |
8. | Flow chart analysis etc. |
Books For The Technical Part
This part has questions from what has already been taught. so all you need is a brush up or quick revision. These books will prove helpful.
1. T
est Your C Skills by Yashwant Kanethkar
Working With C by Yashwant Kanethkar
Operating Systems by Silbershats
Group Discussion
GDs came all the way from IIM admission procedure. This part of the selection procedure is intended to test the communication skill of the candidate. It also aims at analyzing the behavior of the candidate in a group. There is not a single company that assigns projects to individuals. Instead the assignment is given to a group. So the company should ensure that the candidate is capable of working in a group and thus the GD. The candidates who cleared all the previous rounds are called in groups (usually 10 members) for the GD. A topic is given by the moderator and the candidates are allowed to speak on it for 10 minutes aprox. The moderator notes each person and gives them grades. Finally a candidate should conclude. These are some of the things
that should be kept in
mind when taking part in a GD:
Have a smiling face
Speak politely
Try to start the discussion; there are special points for it
Look into the eyes of other members when you speak
Speak clearly and audibly
Put in as many points as you can
Try to moderate the discussion
Try to conclude
Do not interrupt a speaker
Do not look at the moderator
Do not keep your legs crossed
Do not argue; it’s not a debate
Do not beat around the bush.
Technical Interview
Any company needs those who are sound at the basics. It’s easy, they know, to teach a person who has the basics. Tech. Interview aims at testing the basic knowledge of a candidate. Here what you have learnt are put to test. For some companies this round may last up to 2 hours. The questions mainly come from the following areas:-
1. | C |
2. | C++ |
3. | DBMS |
4. | OS |
5. | Software Engineering |
6. | Computer Networks |
7. | Digital |
Sample Tech. Interview Qs
When the interviewer asks some totally strange question all on a sudden it is possible that even the most smart candidate can have a shiver in his spines. To avoid such situations it is a good idea to glance through some of these questions when you prepare.
- What are your favorite subjects?
- What is a function pointer?
- Write some C programs…
- What is OOP?
- What are its features? Explain each:-
- What is normalization? Why is it needed?
- Which are all the types of normal forms?
- What is an OS?
- What are its functions?
- What is a Kernel?
- What functions does the Shell perform?
- What are the different kinds of testing?
- What are the different s/w development models?
- Explain some network hardware?
- Explain OSI reference model:-
HR Interview
Provided the candidate has the skill set he is presented before the HR manager for the ultimate test, the HR interview!!! Here the aim is to asses the different soft skills of the candidate like positive thinking, leadership, responsibility etc. The HR manager can surprise you with any sort of question that if not heard before can put you down. So again I urge you to have a glance at these questions!!!
Sample HR Interview Questions
1. | Introduce yourself |
2. | Can you sing a song? |
3. | Can you tell me a joke? |
4. | Your weakness?? |
5. | Why should we hire you? |
6. | Where do you see yourself after 5 years? |
7. | What is your ultimate goal in life? |
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