Friday, August 27, 2010

Seminar report on "Wireless Energy Transfer using Magnetic Resonance"

In 1899, Nikola Tesla, who had devised a type of resonant transformer called the Tesla coil, achieved a major breakthrough in his work by transmitting 100 million volts of electric power wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles to light up a bank of 200 light bulbs and run one electric motor. Tesla claimed to have achieved 95% efficiency, but the technology had
to be shelved because the effects of transmitting such high voltages in electric arcs would have been disastrous to humans and 
electrical equipment in the vicinity. This technology has been languishing in obscurity for a number of years, but the advent of portable devices such as mobiles, laptops, smartphones, MP3 players, etc warrants another look at the technology.
We propose the use of a new technology, based on strongly coupled magnetic resonance. It
consists of a transmitter, a current carrying copper coil, which acts as an electromagnetic resonator and a receiver, another copper coil of similar dimensions to which the device to be powered is attached. The transmitter emits a non-radiative magnetic field resonating at MHz frequencies, and the receiving unit resonates in that field. The resonant nature of the
process ensures a strong interaction between the sending and receiving unit, while interaction with rest of the environment is weak.

  Download :     Full Report (.pdf)

1 comment:

  1. Mark Twain Named His Last Novel Schoolhouse Hill after Knob Hill to tell this symbolic tale of the Freemason 33rd degree. He changed it to No. 44 The Same Day writing Tesla but it was rewritten and kept hidden until 1969. The Colorado Springs Notes were kept hidden as well so a world could not tell a 44 was a Colt weapon of the time but the symbolism is clearly Tesla's big gun...the first weapon of mass destruction.
